Some eye diseases are not only vision-threatening, but some can be life-threatening. There are literally hundreds of diseases and disorders which are treated on a regular basis by Dr. Hareychuk. We are proud to be considered as the first clinic that people think of when they are experiencing an ocular emergency, or urgency. Here is a partial list of the most common eye conditions which we manage.
A cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye. In youth, the lens is very clear, and lets through almost 100% of the light which travels to the back of the eye. Starting at about 40 years of age, the lens loses its clarity. When the loss of transparency affects vision or comfort significantly, the natural lens is replaced with an artificial lens, and vision is restored.
The majority of patients with glaucoma have something called chronic open-angle glaucoma (COAG). This is when the eye pressure is higher than the eye can tolerate. Although in most cases, it is a pressure that is greater than 20, there are patients who have terrible glaucoma with a pressure of 15. By using advanced diagnostic techniques, we can fully assess your risk of glaucoma.
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 60. However, the early changes in the macula (center focal point of vision) start much earlier than that. There is a genetic, as well as a lifestyle component which contributes to macular degeneration. Poor diet, smoking, low pigment levels in the macula (MPOD) and other factors can be corrected once a macula risk evaluation is completed in our office.
These appear as opacities in your visual field, especially if looking at a light background. The gel of the eye becomes more watery with age, and the more dense part of the gel gets suspended in the watery gel and “floats” in your vision. At times, the gel will be adhered to a spot on the retina and can cause a tear of the retina which may lead to detachment. Examining the peripheral retina is critical in patients with an appearance of floaters.
With increasing myopia comes an increased risk of eye diseases such as retinal detachment, cataract and glaucoma. With all of our younger patients, we suggest instituting myopia control therapy to slow down the progression in myopia, and to reduce the risk of eye disease over a person’s lifetime. Is your child myopic (short sighted)? Early intervention in managing their myopia may save their eyesight in later life. Book a myopia control evaluation. For more information see: Myopiatoronto.com
Diabetic patients, especially those who have poorly controlled blood sugar, tend to have issues with circulation to end-organs and extremities such as the eyes, kidneys and feet. Good blood sugar control and monitoring is critical to reduce the risk of vision loss. This means a controlled A1C, healthy lifestyle and maintaining a normal body weight. Using Optos wide-field imaging and OCT scanning, our clinic is able to help you monitor and reduce your risk of vision loss from diabetes.
Eyes that are too dry, or those that are watery tend to suffer from one common underlying problem: Poor tear QUALITY. This means that the protective tear layer is not doing its job. The later may be too thin, or the layer of tears is lacking the oily component, or one of the other layers of the eye. There are treatments for these conditions, and undergoing a Tear Quality Assessment will help in the management of your dry or wet eyes.
In addition to glasses and contact lenses, refractive (laser) surgery is a viable alternative for those seeking clear vision without glasses. Depending on your prescription, eye condition and eye health, you may be a perfect candidate. Most people who go for this surgery are myopic, but newer technology gives many choices as alternatives to eyeglasses. Come to our clinic to see if this type of vision correction is for you!
“Pink eye” is just one type of conjunctivitis. In general jargon, most people use these terms interchangeably. Proper treatment of conjunctivitis depends on the underlying cause. Among the causes of this inflammation of the outer lining of the eye include: allergy, bacteria, virus and fungus. Proper diagnosis and treatment shortens the duration and discomfort of this condition. If you have a red eye, it should be seen in our clinic. Please contact us for an urgent appointment.
We see meibomian gland dysfunction every day in the clinic. Basically, when these glands stop working, the inflammation soon follows. Once the glands dry up, their function is lost. Advice on lid hygiene and diet are an important part of management. If the glands are blocked, the oil from these glands does not reach the outside of the eye. Using our MYAH unit, we can directly assess the level of function of these important glands.
Blepharitis is an inflammation or infection of the eyelids. The inflammation can be from an underlying condition, such as rosacea, but most often it is caused by organisms such as bacteria or demodex. Blepharitis often leads to dry, crusty eyelids and can most certainly affect the eye surface as well. It tends to be a chronic condition and it needs to be managed by a clinic like ours. Special treatments such as BlephEx can help clear the problem quickly.
If blepharitis is not controlled, the meibomian glands can become blocked, and their contents harden. This is a chalazion. If a bump appears in the eyelid, it very likely is a chalazion. Early treatment in our clinic will hopefully result in a quick resolution and lessen the chance of recurrence.

1243 Islington Ave. Suite 905
Etobicoke, Ont.
M8X 1Y9